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How should we talk about food?

April 11, 2011   GUEST BLOG POST by Shaan Saini

 It is important to effectively discuss food habits with those who are closest to you in order to motivate healthy behavior as well as gain more information from each other. In a recent article, the effect of spousal support on food-related behavior and diabetes was studied. Couples in which both partners had diabetes seemed to have more knowledge about what they should be eating, mainly because both had similar goals of regulating blood sugar levels. Furthermore, it was found that those who are married seemed to have more food control over those who are not, illustrating the positive effect of support from loved ones on diet.

Beverly, E. A.; Miller, C. K.; Wray, L. A. (2008). Spousal support and food-related behavior change in middle-aged and older adults living with type 2 diabetes. Health Education & Behavior, vol. 35 no. 5, 707-720

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Author: Roxanne

I have always loved to learn. After years of trying to pick a major as an undergraduate, I met a professor who guided me to graduate school. And from graduate school, I learned that I could always go to school and keep on learning. And so I have...

2 thoughts on “How should we talk about food?”

  1. I think Shaan’s research brings about a similar argument that I too found in my research articles. Support from loved ones (in my research parents) is very crucial in increasing self efficacy and this greatly increases an individual’s chance and not only bringing about positive change but also sticking to the change that they have brought about.(maintenance)

  2. I watch the A&E show HEAVY about obesity all the time and rarely do I see that only one of the spouses is overweight. It is usually both who are unsupported of their eating habits. They are basically giving themselves diabetes and it is not until these overweight people meet with a doctor who explains the seriousness of diabetes do they begin to understand.

    After the HEAVY program, the participants were sent home in hopes to transform their eating habits as well as get their family on the right track. It was clearly evident that when the family as a whole ate healthy and were health conscious,it was easier to maintain this life style.

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