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Reading product labels and discovering hidden sources of ‘salt’ in vitamin supplements

January 10, 2012

When traveling over the holidays in crowded airports with many many many others, I often add a supplement to my daily routine. Airborne is one product I have used over the past several years. One of my sisters recommended Emergen-C and so I tried it. I liked it. It comes in tangerine and I like the flavor. Then I compared the cost…and that favored Airborne in the retail store where I was looking. So I flipped the products over to see if I could learn anything more to help me make a decision. And I did.

For some reason, Airborne has 230 mg or 10% of the daily recommended amount of sodium [salt] in a tablet. Yikes. I try to limit my salt intake. I eat reduced sodium products in nearly everything that offers a choice of low or reduced sodium. I wouldn’t want to take a simple supplement with so much salt in it if I could avoid it.

Emergen-C on the other hand only had 60 mg of sodium in one dose of the supplment. I don’t know why either product needs any sodium in it but finding nearly 400 percent more sodium in Airborne than in Emergen-C, I chose Emergen-C.

Moral of this story: do read the product labels even for supplements and vitamins to see what hidden sources of salt/sodium may be lurking in them.


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Author: Roxanne

I have always loved to learn. After years of trying to pick a major as an undergraduate, I met a professor who guided me to graduate school. And from graduate school, I learned that I could always go to school and keep on learning. And so I have...

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