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Why are nutrition education programs an important part of medical education?

April 6, 2011   GUEST BLOG POST by L. Ashley Lynch

Today, I will discuss some research that relates to communication about whole grains. One of the main concepts of research done by K. B. Michels and his colleagues was how to effectively use nutrition education programs. Their research discussed the use of places such as the workplace, communities, and schools, to reach audiences with this information. Access to nutrition education programs includes being able to afford and have transportation and time to participate. It is an important step in having the ability to make changes in diet that reflect nutrition program goals.

The incentives of the program in Michels’ study include that the education is cost effective and can lead to prevention of health risks based on incorporating whole grains into our diet. Overall, nutrition education is a great chance for people to better understand information about foods instead of relying on looking at food packages and trying to figure it out on the spot. It is often easier going into a situation with the tools and information necessary to make an informed decision than it is to take time on the spot to become educated in hopes of making an informed choice.

Michels’ research touched on incorporating healthy choices in cafeterias to encourage healthy habits. The research focused on medical education students. If doctors are educated about healthy food choices, hopefully, it gets passed on and becomes more than a trend in American society.

For more information, the article may be located at: Michels, KB, BR Bloom, P Riccardi, BA Rosner, and WC Willett. “A study of the importance of education and cost incentives on individual food choices at the Harvard School of Public Health cafeteria. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 27, 6-11.

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Author: Roxanne

I have always loved to learn. After years of trying to pick a major as an undergraduate, I met a professor who guided me to graduate school. And from graduate school, I learned that I could always go to school and keep on learning. And so I have...

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