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Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute News on My Birthday

IMGP3168September 10, 2013

Nothing I enjoy more than a walk along a creek or stream and gathering fall foliage. In this case, it is cattails. A great way to spend a birthday.

At the same time, an announcement came into my email about the approval of 114 million dollars to support patient-centered outcomes research. The Affordable Care Act introduced this new research institute as part of its overall mission. Each of us will contribute one dollar to the initiative as part of the plan to fund its activities. I am not yet sure why a new institute was needed in addition to the National Institutes of Health which often includes patient centered outcomes research. I haven’t heard any real public discussion about this new initiative to fund research. You can check it out here:

I will continue to ponder the meaning of another institute as part of the Affordable Care Act and share any insights I gain. Please do the same.

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