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Has anyone ever said to you, “I hope you might give this a try…”?

February 16, 2011

It takes some time to build new habits. It takes some time to break old habits. It is kind of like being out on the middle of one of the world’s largest suspension bridges… Go left? Go right? The paths may look the same but if you go forward instead of backwards, you at least get to see something you may not have seen before…

And when you go forward to try a new approach to being healthy, it can be like that as well. Sometimes, the way someone presents it to you can make all the difference.

Which seems to be a better approach? “If you show signs of concussion, you’re out of the game.” Or “Perhaps we can practice some new ways of tackling and see if you have fewer headaches after tough games.”

“You’re going to look like a piece of leather if you don’t quit spending so much time in tanning beds…”  hmmm… Any other ideas about how to change that habit?  Or telling youth, “You’re going to die if you drink alcohol…”  And, “We’re going to test your blood for steroid use.” These kinds of direct statements–even when we might agree with the intent–don’t seem to give us any choice in the matter…and, well, most of want to have some say in things…  

So, it’s worth a little effort to think how to talk about a health habit in a way that seems to leave some room for choice in the matter…

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Author: Roxanne

I have always loved to learn. After years of trying to pick a major as an undergraduate, I met a professor who guided me to graduate school. And from graduate school, I learned that I could always go to school and keep on learning. And so I have...

11 thoughts on “Has anyone ever said to you, “I hope you might give this a try…”?”

  1. My topic is talking to high school athletes about steroids. I feel that is was a good topic because in high school the use of steriods comes across an athletes mind, and a lot of athletes dont get good enough communication about steroids.

    Positive face: by taking steriods your body will take on major transformations and help you to perform better.

    Negative face: You will have to take a blood test every two weeks.

  2. I agree with some of the posts in that people today dont like to be told what to do. Everyone thinks that they know what is best for themselves so when a PROFESSIONAL doctor suggestes something we become defensive and or just brush off whatever was communicated. A perfect example is my dad. My dad’s side of the family is known for having high blood pressue, so of course being italian and loving to eat italian food my dad has high blood pressure. He never really watched what he hate and never took time to exercise. He really didnt pay attention to what doctors were telling him and it showed. He was overweight and out of shape until one day it took him realizing it for himself that he needed to change his habits. My dad ended up losing 40 pounds in about 4 months and is back to his normal health condition. Just by realizing his situation and making changes in what he ate and running everyday he was able to change his health and control his blood pressure.

    So all in all I think a doctor can communicate in any way to us, but it is up to us as the patients on how we take the information.

  3. My topic was about talking to children about cancer. I felt this was a good topic to talk about because of the importance of helping children who have cancer.

    Positive face: With the technology and medicine that we have, we will do everything we can to help treat you and make you better.

    Negative face: You are still able to participate in certain activities but may be limited in how much you participate.

  4. negative face: drinking can cause bad decision making and automatically means you are a terrible person of judgement. If I catch you drinking, then you will be forced to refrain from hanging out with your friends or doing any other activities.

  5. Positive Face: There are many alternative ways to having fun than drinking that have a much less negative impact on your health. Hanging out with your friends without the use of alcohol can result in fewer accidents, better judgement and a good time.

  6. So I was wondering how you feel about slowly weaning yourself away from tanning beds to other forms of tanning. When I struggled with this it seemed to work for me, and I believe you are the kind of person who would succeed at it as well. I hope you give it a try I believe you will do great.

  7. There are other methods to become tan such as lotions and creams. As tanning beds can be relaxing I see why they are so hard to resist, but we can work together to find other soothing activities.

  8. Positive Face Question: After games throughout a season would you participate in concussion research?

    Negative Face Question: I would hope you participate in concussion research after games throughout the season?

  9. People in today’s society are more independent than ever. I feel one needs to walk on egg shells when it comes to asking or telling someone what to do. Giving people a choice makes them feel more in control and can generate a better response.

    Teenagers, especially dealing with sex, are difficult to get through to. They feel as if they are invincible. Educating them on sex and its possible consequences can be even more difficult. Telling a teenager that if they engage in sexual activity, you will get pregnant or catch a sexually transmitted disease is probably not the best way to inform a teenager. Providing background information as well as telling them that they have a choice with their bodies will most likely be more beneficial.

    However, it is sometimes good to be harsh so that the seriousness of any situation is understood. I agree with Mike that there are different types of “wordage” one can use to better your chances of getting a point across.

  10. I think more people in today’s society are beginning to feel invincible (especially teenagers) and do not like being told what to do. We live in a fast paced world and when something affects our daily routine, it is difficult to manage. I, for example, do like being told what to do without there being some sort of beneficial reason. The tone at which I am being told is also a major influence on whether or not I will act on it.

    Teenagers think nothing “bad” will ever happen to them and can make poor-less decisions regarding many things (especially sexual experimentation). Telling a teenager you will get pregnant and catch a disease is probably not the most compelling way to inform them about safe sex and its consequences. Applying background information on what might happen if you are not safe might be a better approach. Based on the above example, applying “choice” to the equation gives people a stronger grasp on what they should do. If teenagers know they have a choice in what they do with their bodies, hopefully they will feel more inclined to make the right one.

  11. Ofcourse everyone wants to have some sort of choice on a matter when dealing with their own health. If a doctor told me that I “NEED” to take a certain medicince in order to overcome a health issue I’m not going to just say ok and start taking it right away. I would want and need to find out more information on the medicine and how it works. The examples above are great examples because maybe that type of wordage is needed in certain situations from health communicators in order to get their point across. As a former athlete I have seen many concussions and I have had concussion in the past and your competetive edge wants you to stay in the game. Ofcourse on a concussion your not thinking to the best of you ability so it wasn’t untill the team trainer basically took my helmet and forced me to stay off the field. I have also seen this technique in other various sports. By telling people that their blood will be tested for steroids will more than likely convince the person who is taking steroids to stop. Are those techniques really that bad of a strategy in health communication?

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