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Do we have a responsibility for health and the environment? …and the sheet ‘experiment’…my ‘story’…

July 27, 2011

Look closely. That is a baby robin peaking its beak up above the nest line. Where? On my front door…



This is the view when I got a stool and stood up to peer inside.

There were two babies. Can you tell?  This site gives a good overview about robins. You can guess their age based on the pictures there. They were probably about a week to nine days old…

I discovered them on a Saturday when I went to clean the front porch. I wanted to wash the door, so I put my hand up to lift the wreathe off the door and felt something — well, not part of my wreathe.. something really soft… I jerked back and went for the stool. You cannot really tell from the first picture, but the nest was hidden in the wreathe.

I worried once I saw what was hidden there that my touching the baby would keep the parents away… luckily not. Both parents spent all day every day for the next 10 days flying back and forth feeding the babies… And I left the door and the porch alone… except when I couldn’t help myself and had to have another peak…

We always have birds nesting around the house, on the gutters, above our lights on the deck… but never robins before. …and never on my front door. We had been hearing these sounds around the front door. They made our golden retriever bark sometimes. We would open the door… and nothing. I guess the parents were building the next.

It was the most blessed thing to watch the parents and their newborns for a week or so… I was happy to think that we have a place where the environment could nurture them. We have a lot of dragon flies this year, too… supposed to be a sign of a healthy environment.

A few days ago, I reported on Dr. Besser’s advice to put your pillow case and sheets in the freezer for two hours before going to bed… I am happy to report that for me and my granddaughter–this was just what the doctor ordered and helped us get to sleep in the heat of the record-breaking temps. For  my husband, he said it made no difference… And so, Grace and I recommend it… John does not… 😉



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Author: Roxanne

I have always loved to learn. After years of trying to pick a major as an undergraduate, I met a professor who guided me to graduate school. And from graduate school, I learned that I could always go to school and keep on learning. And so I have...

One thought on “Do we have a responsibility for health and the environment? …and the sheet ‘experiment’…my ‘story’…”

  1. That is so sweet!! I wish I could have been there to see that. I also want to try the frozen sheet experiment…that sounds very intriquing!

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