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A stark reminder to check your prescriptions…closely

March 8, 2012

I heard the story about a pharmacy mix-up the other day that reminded me how important it is to inspect my medications closely before taking them. As the clip shows, a medication was given that looked the same in color and size, but very much was not the same. A cancer drug instead of fluoride tablets.

I found an error once. The pill was a different color than my prescription but the same size. So I looked closer and it wasn’t my medication. You can check your prescription by going to and enter the number on your pill to be sure that it is what was prescribed according to the label.

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‘AfterShock’–Jessie Gruman’s book….giveaway

February 27, 2012

I’ve enjoyed reading Jessie Gruman’s book. Not because the topic is one I enjoyed. It is about ‘what to do when the doctor gives you —  or someone you love — a devastating diagnosis’.  I like this book because it uses published research to reach concrete suggestions. Even the appendices are loaded with specific ideas about things to do. Things like ‘how do I start my doctor search?’ and ‘choosing a doctor’. The latter has a list of questions, including ‘does the doctor have the right expertise?’ and ‘does the doctor particpate in your insurance plan?’ and ‘at what hospital does the doctor have privileges?’

For anyone who hasn’t read the book and might like to, I am once again attempting to offer some of my library to others. Just let me know in the comment section that you are interested. I will randomly pick someone and follow up to get your information to mail it to you… 

Here is what the reviews on have to say about the book:

A look at the Western Susquehanna

February 24, 2012

I am still thinking about the upcoming kayaking season as we get ready to join friends for the annual Juniata Clean Water Parternership dinner. We have been talking about wanting to participate in the annual Western Susquehanna river sojourn. [See] Hope we haven’t waited too long to do it…

Why playing with puzzles is a good thing

February 16, 2012

A new study just released by the National Science Foundation gives some clues about how to develop those math skills I’ve talked about here. Sure enough, playing with puzzles helps to build spatial skills which are critical to being able to do math and understand science.

It is fun to realize that my husband’s first handmade gifts for our grandchildren has been…puzzles.  Here we are at Christmas in 2009 when Sam opened Sister Grace lends a hand there. Then Grace goes and finds her puzzle that granddad made for her 2nd Christmas. And all is well. We spend time playing the puzzles and every year, there is at least one new, age appropriate puzzle for fun play between grandkids and grandparents….




Another way to address back pain on the job…

Febryary 13, 2012

In my book, Talking about health, I tell the story about dealing with back and shoulder pain with physical therapy and the exercises I learned to use during the day. One includes setting a 30 minute timer to remind me to get up and move around… Well, another strategy that a colleague has adopted is a motorized desk…


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