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What did Dr. OZ say about stress today?

January 24, 2011

Dr. Oz talked about heart attacks on his show today. He emphasized things we can do to manage our risk for ourselves. He talked about the risk for women as well as men. One of the issues that he emphasized was ‘stress.’ He noted that stress is a big contributor to heart disease. He has talked about this in terms of our diet before  I have talked about Dr. Oz referring to stress before on this blog . 

This time, I want to applaud the very concrete suggestions that Dr. Oz gave us for handling stress. He said, “Have two social conversations each day.” And, “Have one social outing each week.”  This is very useful for us. How often do we find ourselves stressed with feelings that there is ‘no wait out.’ Then we talk to a friend or a colleague about a new movie coming out, or our passion for a sport, or our love for our children. Even five minutes, and some of that stress melts away. And, yes, as impossible as it seems when we feel stressed, having a social outing–a walk at the city park or in the mall when it is too cold outdoors, lunch at Subway’s or each other’s home, or going to see that new movie–everything looks and feels different afterward. So thumbs up to Dr. Oz for concrete ideas that we all can do to manage our stress…

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